Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Combined Decongestive Therapy
Rebecca Culley, Ph.D., MLD uk CDT
Coventry, West Midlands
Telephone 07971086458

My name is Rebecca Culley, I founded MLD Professional 15 years ago to offer the renowned Vodder method of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) to those with chronic swelling (oedema) and a wide range of health complaints. My mission has been to provide my clients with exceptional treatment which is tailored to meet their specific needs and focuses on education for managing their condition. I see clients who seek treatment for oedema such as lymphoedema, lipoedema and post-surgical swelling, as well as for skin complaints, scars, fluid retention, pain and immunity disorders amongst others.
I first became aware of MLD in 2004 when I did my initial course and was astounded by the results it could achieve which inspired me to learn more, especially about how it could help those with chronic oedema. In 2006, I gained my full Dr Vodder qualifications in the UK and Canada which certifies me to use both Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Combined Decongestive Therapy. ​ Although I specialise in MLD, my massage career spans over 30 years during which time I have accumulated qualifications and experience in a numerous therapies.
Throughout my career, I have worked in Further Education as a lecturer training the new generation of therapists which I have loved! My passion for education has continued with teaching at a local university and have recently completed a Ph.D. alongside my therapy work.
I am a member of MLDuk and fully insured. You can be assured that I keep up to date as MLDuk requires its members to complete an MLD review course with the Vodder School every two years either at the clinic in Austria or in the UK.