Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Combined Decongestive Therapy
Rebecca Culley, Ph.D., MLD uk CDT
Coventry, West Midlands
Telephone 07971086458
Useful links
A professional association of Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapists from a range of backgrounds. They represent MLD therapists who are certified in either the Vodder, Foldi, Casley-Smith, Leduc schools, Klose Training and LTA Fill & Flush methods only.
Lymphoedema Support Network
Is a leading UK registered charity which advocates for and supports people with lymphoedema.
Lipoedema UK
Is a registered charity who provides information and training to doctors on lipoedema. It also offers support and signposting to patients who have lipoedema.
British Lymphology Society
A professional body committed to supporting those working with lymphoedema and advancing knowledge on the condition.
Wittlinger Therapy Centre, Austria
A private in-patient therapy centre in Austria specialising in the treatment of lymphoedema. The Wittlinger Centre is also home of the Dr Vodder Academy International.
Dr Vodder Academy International
The Vodder Academy is based in Walschsee
Dr Vodder School International
Licensed to teach Dr Vodder MLD, Based in North America.